Fuse strategy and form to create a visual system for Dogpatch, a neighborhood in San Francisco. Create the visual "rules of the game" that govern its branding and other visual assets. Consistently carry this visual system throughout the deliverables.
Dogpatch District in San Francisco is a up and coming neighborhood that is currently in a transitional phase. Formerly a shipbuilding hub dating back to the 1800s, this dockside area retains an industrial vibe with large warehouses, many of which have been updated into residential lofts, art galleries and indie shops. A great percentage of the neighborhood is under construction, which acts as the foundation for the visual system.
The visual system makes use of typography, imagery, materials, color, shape, and texture found in Dogpatch. The deliverables include a book that consists of three parts. The first chapter of the book is an overview of the neighborhood, the second is the construction, and third is what is to come. An accompanying website elaborates upon each topic.